878 AD
20 Mar 2025 - 19 Jun 2025
Special Events

We invite learners to dress up, travel back in time and enjoy an immersive learning experience led by our expert team of facilitators. The sessions take the format of our curriculum-based workshops though are more relaxed so that a wider age range of learners can attend with siblings as required. 

  • 878 AD, Winchester is our immersive Anglo-Saxon venue. Learners will complete three ‘escape room’ style activities to help King Alfred on his return from the Battle of Edington! Activities include:
    • Buy and Trade in the marketplace – Take part in negotiation and numeracy using mental methods with a costumed trader as you buy and trade Anglo-Saxon replica items
    • Discover Authentic Artefacts on the city streets – Enjoy an Anglo-Saxon-style scavenger hunt and collect runes for hidden information.
    • Visit the Anglo-Saxon House – Use problem-solving and literacy skills to solve and complete Anglo-Saxon riddles.
  • Things to know prior to booking:
    • All children must be accompanied by an adult who is responsible for them at all times including during facilitated workshops
    • In the event of an emergency, you are responsible for the children in your group  
    • We require at least one adult for every 3 children 
    • You are responsible for the supervision and behaviour of your children at all times 
    • If you are looking to book older siblings into the sessions, please be aware that the content may not be pitched at their current learning level  
    • We regret that under 5’s are not admitted at 878 AD Home Education events
    • These are facilitated sessions and not ‘drop in’ experiences so will start promptly according to the scheduled time 
    • The schedule for the day will be provided prior to arrival 
    • Please note that there are no toilets or lunch room facilities at 878 AD 
    • Food and drinks are not permitted anywhere on the museum floor 
    • Mobile phones and photography are strictly prohibited within the session due to safeguarding 
    • Our facilitators reserve the right to ask participants to leave if their behaviour is deemed unsafe or inappropriate for the setting
    • We advise that participants take a comfort break before the session begins as children can not be left unsupervised while their accompanying adult takes one child to the toilet


"Brilliant immersive experience with the actors and hands on learning. Great to have different activities to do. Overall experience : 5 /5"
Home Education leader, April 2024


878 AD and Winchester City Museum 


Suitable for: Workshops have been adapted from the KS2 National Curriculum and are suitable for those between 6 – 11 years old. Please note that learners older than 11 years are welcome to attend though the level of learning may mot be as well suited. Please note that due to capacity, all attendees will need a ticket.  


Included: Your ticket includes a 90 minute immersive, facilitated session at 878 AD led by our Anglo-Saxons as well as entry to Winchester City Museum for a self led visit to embed learning.  There will be two groups running simultaneously. Please note that after booking, you will be sent a schedule for the day depending on which group you are in. Workshops start promptly according to timings. 



Schedule for Group 1 

Schedule for Group 2 

10.15 - 10.30

Arrival at 878 AD 

Arrival at Winchester City Museum 

10.30 – 12.00

Immersive Anglo-Saxon facilitated workshop at 878 AD

Self-led visit to Winchester City Museum

Each learner receives a Time Travellers Guide to complete at the Museum as well as access to handling items, dress up and other self led resources 

12.00 -12.45

Suggested lunch time 

Please note that there are no lunch facilities at 878 AD or Winchester City Museum 

Suggested lunch time 

Please note that there are no lunch facilities at 878 AD or Winchester City Museum 

12.45 – 14.15

Self-led visit to Winchester City Museum

Each learner receives a Time Travellers Guide to complete at the Museum as well as access to handling items, dress up and other self led resources 


Immersive Anglo-Saxon facilitated workshop at 878 AD

14.15 – 17.00


Further free time to explore Winchester City Museum if required 


  • Child dressed as Anglo-Saxon buying a fish

Dates and times

  1. Thu 20 Mar 2025
  2. Tue 13 May 2025
  3. Thu 19 Jun 2025
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