Run by Supernatural Tours
Ever wondered who… or what haunts Winchester? Here is your chance to find out! Join us on an interactive ghost tour here at Winchester City Museum!
Ghost Stories at The Museum is a family friendly theatrical event which shares spine chilling ghost stories surrounded in the atmosphere of the museum.
As we guide you around the museum, you will encounter the ghosts who will share their stories with you.
Our special lights outs version surrounds you with darkness with stories by candlelight as each of our characters tell you what happened to them.
You'll learn a little, get scared and a little but you will enjoy the experience.
The tour will take place across 3 floors and it’s spooky enough for all the family to enjoy. Grab your ticket now! If you’re extra brave, join us for the lights off session…
£7 per ticket: run by Supernatural Tours - to purchase tickets please visit their website;
Timeslots at 5:15pm and 7:15pm
Winchester Ghost Tours | Supernatural Tours (