Tackle this crucial part of the writing process. Pick up specifics tips on how to improve dialogue, layout, structure, character. 

Bring a section of your writing and discover how seriously writers take editing.

Since Portsmouth Bookfest 2021’s sold-out Take Your Novel Further and Write Your Novel courses, a group of writers local and far-flung have been meeting regularly online to edit their work, reshaping, pruning, prodding, developing early drafts towards publishable standard, in preparation for submitting to agents or publishers. Novelist William Sutton shares methods, tips, pitfalls and secrets of the dark arts of editing.

Appropriate for committed writers, 18+, writing fiction, drama, short story or non-fiction


Feedback on previous courses:

-          I've found the input on editing particularly useful because it gave objective criteria to cut through the sprawling first draft.

-          10/10, excellent pace and differentiation, plus advice on plot, characters, structure, editing.

-          Focused, generous feedback.  

Sessions: Tuesday 31 May, 2pm - 4pm

Tickets: £20

Book your space on How to edit your own writing at Hampshire Cultural Trust's Ashcroft Arts Centre, Fareham, now!


  • How to edit your own writing; with "how to" and "own" struckthrough

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