Westbury Manor Museum
Friday 15 March (one day course) 10:00am-4:00pm
Art and Craft, Classes

Do you enjoy drawing but feel overwhelmed when faced with a blank page? Illustrator Emily Harper will share techniques learned over 16 years in design and animation to help you to overcome the creative block and put the fun back into drawing. 

 You will learn how to create your own mini sketchbook to use during a day of creative drawing, gaining skills you can apply to countless projects at home. Try exercises and games that engage the imagination, improve drawing confidence and show you how to use your sketchbook as a tool for wellbeing as well as artistic development. You may be inspired to progress to zine making, sketchbooking projects, or exploring illustration as a tool to find your unique style as an artist. 

*Please note that this course takes place on the top floor, with no stair lift access, therefore it is not accessible for wheelchair users. 


Further details on how to sign up for this course:

Brighter Futures Courses are free of charge, and all materials will be provided. These courses are part of the Hampshire County Council Adult Community Learning Programme, Hampshire Learns. 

To be eligible for a course you must be 18+ years old, live in Hampshire and feel as though your mental health and wellbeing may benefit from attending a creative course.  


To register your interest in attending this course, please click the link  https://bit.ly/3O7CmQW  


  • A picture of a mini-sketchbook with the words written on the page 'Mini sketchbooks - creative drawing for wellbeing'.
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