Characters from Jane Austen's novels are coming to the Great Hall for a recital... but before it even can begin... Mr Darcy is found dead!
What happened? Who would dream of killing such a noble and amiable gentleman? And who had the motive, the means and the opportunity? Or is it a case of mistaken identity? Who is the poor soul so shockingly attacked?
Can you help solve this terrible murder? A scandal must be averted by solving the mystery as soon as possible!
Join us in association with Torchlight Heritage and Torchlight Mysteries for a puzzling evening of curiosity, mystery and murder.
Why not come dressed as your favourite Jane Austen character? Fancy dress is welcome! Need help with your costume? Why not book a consultation with our partners at Hampshire wardrobe
Tickets £35 including a drink (alcoholic/non-alcoholic)
Sessions at 6pm and 8pm