Willis Museum and Sainsbury Gallery
Free, Donations very welcome
Art and Craft, Children & family activities, Workshops

Join artist Samantha Emmons and create mixed media concertina sketchbooks inspired by rivers and oceans. Explore layering, resists, and mark making to capture the essence of water and the passing of time. https://www.samanthaemmons.com/ 

All Session suitable for Age 6+ (Parents & Guardians please book place)

All session are 11-12.30

Session 1. Wednesday 14 August

Session 2. Thursday 15 August

Session 3. Friday 16 August

Session 4. Saturday 17 August 

Session 5. Sunday 18 August 

Participants 11 - 18 must have permission from parent/guardian - Emergency contact details will be required. Children under the age of 11 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Please contact us via email: willismuseum@hampshireculturaltrust.org.uk for a permission/emergency contact form or complete on the day.

Workshops are free but pre-booking is required. Please let us know if you have to cancel so you place can be offered to someone else. Free but donations are very welcome. 

This summer, 'The Time Studio’ (3 Aug – 3 Nov 24) exhibition, will transform the Sainsbury Gallery into a vibrant space for creativity. We’ve invited six Hampshire-based artists to lead free workshops, tailored to different mediums and age groups, exploring the theme of 'Time.' Take part in this evolving exhibition and see your work on display. This project is supported by Basingstoke and Dean Borough Council, the UK Government and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. https://www.hampshireculture.org.uk/event/time-studio-connecting-artist…

  • Sam Emmons

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