Greenwood School is a Pupil Referral Unit based in Dibden, The New Forest. We work in close partnership with nine secondary schools in the New Forest.
We provide an education for:
KS3-4 pupils who have been permanently excluded from their mainstream school, or who are at risk of permanent exclusion, and children with special educational needs awaiting a place at a special school.
KS3-KS4 pupils who are medically unwell or who are emotionally vulnerable with a diagnosis of mental health difficulties.
Greenwood School gained a very significant Gold ArtsMark for the school which will continue for 2 years. Horizon 20:20 has made significant contribution and supported the application process to achieve this award. Young people were delighted to receive this at the Award Ceremony.
Bianca Webb, Greenwood School
Horizon 20:20 More and Better: Alternative Portraiture City Space, Winchester Discover Centre, 27 Apr - 15 May
Calm Collective Colour at Winchester Discovery Centre